network connections all over the city

December 5, 2019 2 min to read

Would you live in a futuristic city?

Category : Lifestyle

With each passing day, new metropolises are being built all over the world. These metropolises are packed with every cool thing one could possibly think of, be it state-of-the-art conveniences, high-tech utilities, or even clean and usable public bathrooms.

These cities help in providing us with a snapshot of what our future could look like if we don’t end up dead in a cyborg and/or zombie apocalypse.

These futuristic cities have the potential to be just like the ones that we see in science fiction movies, which is why they hold a strong appeal in our collective imagination.

The thought of humans being able to revolutionize everything such as how they live and where they live is an exciting one.

What’s even more exciting is the idea that some of the most outlandish cities from science fiction might be within our technical reach tomorrow.

While some might find the idea of a futuristic city being farfetched, others don’t, especially when looking into the recent developments that we’ve made in fields such as technology, architecture, transport, communications etc.

A recent development in the architecture industry brought forward by John Wardle Architects may change the way how cities grow and how we live.

Usually, cities grow up vertically as often as they grow out into new lands. Though the birth of the skyscraper may have not changed this concept by much, the idea that has been presented by John Wardle Architects may be the next step forward.

They call this idea “The Multiplicity concept” which envisions multiple cities being built into a single unit on different levels, both up and down.

In the futuristic city concept art, the map of this futuristic city has a canopy at the peak, vertical buildings in between, and a city on the streets below.

Though it might bring into the minds of some the concept of class separation and dystopia (just like in the movies) however, the architect’s vision suggests balance and beauty on all levels of life.

While we’re on the topic of large buildings and skyscrapers, an entry that was submitted at the eVolo 2011 Skyscraper competition, NeoTax has been looking to change the designs of our cities as well in order to bring them into the future.

What NeoTax does is that it takes the traditional skyscraper design, and expands it outwards.

This concept envisions modular, three-dimensional structures which are organized simultaneously on a horizontal and vertical street grid and each module can be viewed as a separate and independent neighborhood while the buildings can be easily connected to each other above ground-level.

The model ensures that there’ll be plenty of green city space left that is untouched while at the same time making sure that there is a great deal of space efficiency and beautiful futuristic city skyline…
Continue reading the article and learn more about cities of the future on James Watt’s blog.

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