colleagues at work smiling

May 23, 2020 2 min to read

Tips on how to behave at your new job

Category : Career

You have just landed your new job? Congratulations! Now, how will you behave? Starting a new job is a really exciting step in everyone’s career. Unfortunately, stress is an integral part of this process.

Don’t worry. Remember that you have already passed the recruitment process and now you just need to deliver what you promised in your interview.

Let’s take a look at some informal rules you should follow in order to present yourself well during your first days.

Prepare yourself

Before going to work you should become familiar with the company and its history. Make sure you are aware of the responsibilities you will carry and nothing you mentioned in your resume can surprise you.

You should also remember about good timing. Get to your work early. So many situations can happen while commuting. Better set the alarm clock earlier than normal so you can prevent from showing up late.

Meet everybody

Great all the employees, it doesn’t matter what position you just acquired, you should meet all the people below you and above you. Be nice, be friendly and most importantly – be yourself.

Don’t act like the others to adjust and for sure do not sneak up. Just smile and tell them about you. Golden tip: make some effort and try to remember their names quickly.

Act neutral

When you just started your job, the position does not let you align yourself with anybody yet. Stay neutral and make sure to get to know people around you. Just simply communicate you are here to do your job well and contribute to the company’s success.

Don’t be arrogant. You may have more experience than the others but don’t let them feel insecure because of it. Just focus on building a friendly atmosphere.

Don’t get distracted

First days at the new job are stressful enough so you don’t need to cause any other problematic situations. As soon as you are not familiar with the rules in the company, try to avoid any risk and switch your mobile phone off.

Make sure not to be bothered while working. Prove your employer that you are a professional. It’s all about the first impression.

Build friendly relationships

People need to see you become a part of the team. Even if you are an introvert, do not separate yourself as soon as you sit on your desk.

Get to know the people you work with, establish some communication rules with your mentor, get along…
Continue reading the article and learn more about new jobs on Daisy Linden’s blog.

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