family backyard party

April 28, 2020 2 min to read

How to throw the ultimate backyard party

Category : Lifestyle

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. With summer comes barbeques, family reunions, and picnics. The best way to enjoy the nice weather is surrounded by your family and friends outside.

If you want to know how to throw the ultimate backyard party, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn how to throw a party that your friends and family will remember for years to come.

Pick a Theme

Pick a theme for your backyard party and run with it. A theme will make the entire thing come together in a cohesive manner.

From the invitations (whether you do paper invites or an electronic invitation) to the food to the decor, make sure your theme is a common element.

Get creative with your theme! You could go with the classic red white and blue theme for a 4th of July party, a Mexican fiesta for Cinco de Mayo, or a “schools out for summer” theme to celebrate the end of the school year.

The great thing about an outside party is that you don’t have to go crazy with decorations or centerpieces. Keep it simple and play up the natural setting of your backyard.

Think About Seating and Lighting

There are few things worse than going to a party where there’s not enough seating and you end up standing around the whole time.

You don’t need a seat for every person at your party, but you should have plenty of options, especially if you are serving a meal.

Think outside the box with seating. Not every seating arrangement needs to be a chair. If you’re doing a bonfire party, for example, tree stumps are a cool way to add seating.

Blankets spread out for picnic-style dining, ottomans and poufs for a casual, Mediterranean-themed party, and even camping chairs for a casual barbecue can all work as seating options.

Make sure you have plenty of lighting as well, especially if the party will continue after dark. String up lights around your deck or pergola, light tiki torches, bring out some candles to place around your yard, and hang paper lanterns from the trees.

Keep the Bugs Away

Some of your lighting options can also double as bug repellent. Tiki torches will repel bugs and so will citronella candles.

Another appreciated gesture for your guests is a basket with bug spray in it. Your guests will appreciate that they won’t leave your party with parting gifts of bug bites…
Continue reading the article and learn more about parties on Life Is An Episode website.

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