January 3, 2020 1 min to read
Preparing your mind: the 5 stages of Methadone withdrawal and symptoms
Category : Health
The decision to stop using Methadone is only the first step in a process known for being exceeding difficult, but with high rewards.
Methadone withdrawal is not easy to successfully get through, but after the bumpy road is over, there are now ways to reclaim your life.
Being prepared for the entire withdrawal process is the only way to get rid of untrue or, even unnecessarily harsh, connotations.
Your knowledge on the important course ahead will teach you all of the signs to know the process is almost over.
Knowing the worst can assure you that what you are experiencing is not completely unusual since many of the symptoms associated with Methadone withdrawal can seem unrelated and overwhelming.
Methadone Explained
Methadone is a synthetic drug made to treat pain or harsh serious addictions. Since it is commonly used to get heroin addicts back on their feet, there are negative undertones associated with it, but the drug is a positive stepping stone for those who need it.
There also comes a time that the Methadone must be weaned so the addiction doesn’t grow.
Methadone itself can become physically addictive, but it is a less substantial addiction to wean the user away from a heavier addiction.
Curing an addiction is not an overnight process, it is completely normal for this growth to take time as a user works through the steps.
Know The Timeline
Harsh withdrawal symptoms usually resolve within seven days. This one week can seem a lot longer to those suffering from all of the symptoms, especially in their peak at stage 3.
The first two stages are fast acting and will occur almost immediately from your last dose, this is part of what fuels the addiction to continue using drugs.
The entire withdrawal and detoxing process can last two months. The best thing for someone going through these withdrawals is support from family or friends to help keep them on the right track.
Stage 1: The Craving
Your mind will initially still be convinced you must have the drug, and this causes a craving to develop in your body as well.
Aching in your muscles reflects this. This craving is nothing new, it begins each time between uses of the addictive substance…
Continue reading the article and learn more about Methadone withdrawal on Life Is An Episode website.