How often do lice breed in between your little one’s hair? How often do you take all the pain to get rid of them using lice removal treatments but end up losing hope because they come again?
Being a mother is as good as being an all-rounder and here are some of the very essential tips that would help you get out of this problem.
Lice – The troublemakers
Lice are tiny parasites that cling onto your hair and do not let go easily. These little creatures infest on the head in between the hair and reproduce at a very quick pace.
The lice survive by sucking the blood of humans and this causes severe itching of the scalp. They are tough and do not go away easily until good hair treatment is given.
Causes of Lice Infestation
Lice infestation is a problem that every school-going kid faces. Your little one is a target and you shouldn’t be surprised. Here are the main causes of lice infestation:
Contact at school – Children love to play with friends. If one of your child’s friend has lice in his hair, be rest assured that your little one may get it too. Head-to-head contact and even sitting together would make lice shift from one scalp to another.
Sharing combs, headphones – Lice could stick on to caps, combs, brushes and even climb on headphones. It could land into another head when these products are shared.
Using the same pillows – If you’ve put your little one to a creche or daycare, this is for you. Even if you have given a separate pillow and a bedspread, your child could still be a victim of lice infestation as lice could even be found on beds and other furniture.
Living together – Lice do not see the age of the person that they infect. You and your family could also get them on to your scalp as you and your child live together.
Detecting Lice Infestation
Observe your little one and see how frequently he scratches his head. This is the first sign of lice infestation. You would also see dandruff-like flakes on your little one’s scalp or even giant lice which are reddish-brown.
Nits or Dandruff
Many moms have ignored lice with an illusion that they are dandruff. Lice are seen in three different forms according to their lifespan.
The eggs or nits are the first stages; nymphs are the newly hatched lice that survive on blood…
Continue reading the article and learn more about lice on Daisy Linden’s blog.