Life is hectic! The minute you think you can take a breather, something always pops up that needs your attention.
Being organized helps take some of the stress away when life is going at full speed. The last thing you need when you’re in a race against time is to spend a half-hour looking for a misplaced item.
This is why it’s helpful to find quick ways to get organized before you get swamped. These seven tips can help you get more organized in ten minutes or less.
1. Create an Organization Station
The first step to getting more organized is to have a space dedicated to that very end. Of course, you don’t want this to take up too much room because that would defeat the purpose.
Find a place out of the way – like hanging on the wall – to put this organization station. What would you include here?
You will want it to have places to sort papers. One spot to use as an inbox (say for mail). Another to serve as an outbox for things you need to send out, and possibly one for miscellaneous documents to file and keep.
You also want to add a keyring for each set of keys you own and make a habit of putting your keys there every time you walk through the door. That way, you never lose your keys.
You can also add extra hooks to keep your sunglasses, umbrellas, and purse hanging. If possible, add a shelf or box to keep your phone and wallet.
This organization station could very well be a lifesaver. When your life gets extra crazy, the last thing you need is to lose your keys or a crucial piece of paper.
2. Inventory Your Necessities
The habit of taking inventory is a great one to establish. That way, you always have what you need when you need it instead of having to interrupt an important task to make a trip to the store.
Emergency Supplies
This first set of necessities that you should check on is your emergency supplies – things like lightbulbs, batteries, and matches that you might need at any time.
You also might want to keep some candles, bottled water, and canned goods in stock just in case.
Hygiene Essentials
Another area of items that a person never wants to run out of stock is for hygiene and first aid.
Regularly check on how low your toilet paper supply is. And if you have plenty of soap, including hand, body, dish, and laundry soap…
Continue reading the article and learn more about self-organization on Life Is An Episode website.