April 15, 2020 2 min to read
Healthiest alcohol: 7 key benefits of drinking alcohol
Category : Health, Lifestyle
Do you drink alcohol? Did you know that 86.3% of people do? That’s most people – not including President Trump who is a teetotaler – and yet we’re continuously told that it’s bad for us and to cut down.
Alcohol is indeed bad for our health in large quantities and especially if we become addicted but, as with everything in life, in moderation, it’s not only ok it could even be good for us.
Here’s all about the healthiest alcohol and why drink alcohol.
1. Improve Your Cardiovascular Health
Drinking alcohol can improve your cardiovascular health – the health of your heart. It can get your blood pumping and can protect against heart disease if you drink moderate amounts of alcohol.
Of course, you can’t just drink alcohol on its own and expect it to improve the health of your heart. You have to balance drinking with regular workouts such as going to the gym, walking or cycling.
You must also ensure that your diet is healthy, avoiding too many fatty or spicy foods that can cause a great amount of damage to your arteries leading to an increased risk of heart problems such as heart disease.
2. Improves Social Life
Drinking in moderation can improve your social life. It is an activity to be enjoyed on a night out and a chance for you to let your hair down. Everyone needs a lad’s night out or a girls’ evening at some point.
When you are a little bit looser you might find yourself making new friends or connecting with old friends on a level you haven’t before. It can help you enjoy going out to a club more than if you were sober, though of course, it’s still possible to go on a night out and have fun.
Alcohol is also something to share with friends. There are drinking games you can play and everyone has their own favorite drink, it’s as much as a hobby and an interest in moderation as it is a social lubricant. The drink itself can be the stimulant for the conversation in much the same way as people bond over their passion for tea in a tea-house or motor racing by attending the Grand Prix together.
3. De-Stresses You
Alcohol can make you lose your inhibitions and help you to relax so long as you are not drinking alone but are with friends if you drink only every now and again…
Continue reading the article and learn more about alcohol on Daisy Linden’s blog.