March 12, 2020 2 min to read
How genetics affect the way your body builds muscle
Category : Health, Lifestyle
Medicine has played a significant role in helping humanity understand the human body. It has also allowed scientists to learn how to maintain and take proper care of the body to improve health.
An essential part of the human body is genetics. Each individual possesses unique genetic structures that play a significant role in their health, physical, and mental conditions, and even in the process of muscle building.
Genetics And Muscle Building
Genetics can play a significant role in bodybuilding, as well as in muscle building, in general. However, it doesn’t necessarily determine the ability of a person to develop an amazing body physique.
The role of genetics in muscle building lies in the fact that each individual inherits a unique genetic pool that determines how fat is acquired, stored, and used, as well as how the body develops and builds muscles.
The role of genetics in muscle building, therefore, becomes visible in a few aspects ingrained in an individual’s genes, which are the body type of the individual, the muscle fiber density, the hormones present in each individual, and also the fat type and fat distribution.
Body Types
To better understand the role of genetics in the building of muscles, it is important to understand the various body types or somatotypes.
With this understanding, people can now know how responsive their body will be to physical activities intended for building the muscles.
There are generally three basic body types:
Ectomorph: This body type has a faster metabolism, which means it converts food (sugar) into energy much faster, leading to an almost impossible ability to build muscles. This body type has lean muscles and no muscle type II, as well as low body fat. People with this body type are generally thin and have long limbs.
Endomorph: This is generally the bulky body type, with broad hips and shorter legs. It has very slow metabolism that allows the body to store fat in the lower body and energy in the muscles. It usually has much more strength due to the storage of energy, but has a strong tendency to gain weight than intended if not actively fit.
Mesomorph: An in-between body type, which is a mix between an ectomorph and an endomorph. It is a more susceptible body type of building and maintaining muscles. With broad shoulders, as well as steady and moderate metabolism, a mesomorph finds it easier to…
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