March 19, 2020 2 min to read
For a single mother: do’s and don’ts lists on Father’s Day
Category : Lifestyle
If you are on the verge of a divorce or are already in the status of “single”, then you definitely need to think about what to do on Father’s Day.
The fact that your marriage has broken up doesn’t mean that the child has lost one of his parents. In order not to create negative emotions in a child, you need to carefully approach the question of what to do on Father’s Day and what not to do. Let’s stop on this issue.
What Is Not Worth Doing
There are a number of things that are not worth doing on this day. Don’t you want to upset your children? Who probably already experienced quite a few unpleasant emotions in the context of divorce.
So your main goal is to find internal strength and calm your feelings for the good of your children. Agree, one day you can tolerate and drown out your emotions.
Let’s look at what you shouldn’t do on Father’s Day.
Don’t Deprive Your Child of Opportunity to Congratulate Father
If before your child always congratulated his father, then divorce doesn’t mean that you need to deprive him of such an opportunity. Let the child congratulate father on this day.
If the spouse is far away, then you can make a video call where your child will talk with his father and congratulate him.
Don’t Condemn Your Ex Before Children
Father’s Day is not the day when you need to throw out all the resentment and negativity on the ex. Moreover, this shouldn’t be done in the presence of children.
If your feelings towards your ex-spouse have changed, this doesn’t mean at all that the same thing should happen with the children.
Don’t Say That Father’s Day Is Nonsense
No need to change your child’s attitude towards the holiday. Especially when everyone around celebrates this day. Surely your child has prepared a postcard or something like that at school.
Therefore, allow the child to celebrate this day and give his attention to his father, and not the fact that the father abandoned the family or something like that.
Don’t Prohibit Visiting The Father
If your ex doesn’t mind spending time with the child on this day, then you shouldn’t become an obstacle. You shouldn’t create an unnecessary reason for the child to feel again that something has changed in life.
Keep calm and let the child meet with his father and spend this holiday together…
Continue reading the article and learn more about father’s day on Daisy Linden’s blog.