Category: Finance

Do business loans look at personal credit?

April 9, 2020 2 min to read

Do business loans look at personal credit?

Category : Finance

All loans are based on information from your personal credit report. This means that even if you’ve paid off all your debts, paid your bills on time, or even filed for bankruptcy, your credit report will show that you owe a debt. Even though it isn’t listed as such, it’s still a payment you made that has shown up on your credit...

How to raise your credit score: 5 easy things to do today

April 8, 2020 2 min to read

How to raise your credit score: 5 easy things to do today

Category : Finance

If you have a bad credit history or your credit score is lower than you’d want it to be, then there are ways that you could bring it back up. However, it’s not possible to build an excellent score overnight and it does require work, but the results are possible once you know what to do. The higher you build your score, the more l...

Top questions you should never forget to ask mortgage lender

April 7, 2020 2 min to read

Top questions you should never forget to ask mortgage lender

Category : Finance

Many people these days decide to buy their own house instead of renting from someone. However, not everyone has this type of money to spend in their account, so they apply for a mortgage. As you can read on The Mortgage Broker website – “Most people recognize a property is the largest and most expensive thing they will buy in a l...

How to make money online

March 31, 2020 2 min to read

How to make money online

Category : Finance, Hobby

It is super amazing to know that you don’t have to necessarily leave your home to make some money. In this age of the internet, you can work from anywhere. Plus, you can work for any company regardless of your geographical locations. The world is a global village and the advancement of technology has made it possible for people to ...

How to save money on funeral expenses

March 21, 2020 2 min to read

How to save money on funeral expenses

Category : Finance

Funerals are not cheap. Usually, you will have to spend over $7,000, and that does not even count what you or your family will have to pay for flowers, a monument, and a cemetery plot. Not many people like thinking about death, never mind having to prepare for it. However, doing a little planning can really help members of your famil...