Category: Finance

How to make money online with affiliate marketing

September 8, 2020 4 min to read

How to make money online with affiliate marketing

Category : Finance, Hobby

This year has brought quite a bit of turmoil to the global business scene. With everything going on in the world currently, many people found themselves in great financial insecurity. Many people lost their jobs and others experienced some serious budget cuts. Even the ones whose positions remain stable are looking for ways to boost ...

How to save for a house in 9 easy steps

July 30, 2020 2 min to read

How to save for a house in 9 easy steps

Category : Finance, Home and Garden

Owning a house is everyone’s dream, but how are you going to save for this house? There are many ways you can save for a house, however, discipline is crucial. Even if you decide to get a mortgage or a loan for a house, you’ll still have to pay a down payment in cash. What is a down-payment? This is the up-front money you’re su...

What is Chime and how you can use it

July 19, 2020 2 min to read

What is Chime and how you can use it

Category : Finance

Have you had a not very good experience with your bank? Interestingly, you are not the only one. A lot of people complain about hidden charges and poor service delivery. Well, if you want to change all these, you should consider Chime. Their motto is to change the way people feel about banking. With Chime, you should get to enjoy bot...

How to budget effectively when your income is inconsistent

July 12, 2020 2 min to read

How to budget effectively when your income is inconsistent

Category : Finance

If you have ever considered creating a budget, you know that one of the building blocks of a budget is knowing your income. So, what if your income is inconsistent? For the more than 21 million American workers with variable income, creating a budget can be confusing when it comes to figuring income. Individuals who work on commissio...

Find out what no exam life insurance is and how to get it

July 2, 2020 2 min to read

Find out what no exam life insurance is and how to get it

Category : Finance

No exam life insurance is a type of life insurance that allows you to skip one of the most common steps of the traditional application process: the medical exam. Some no exam policies include several basic questions about your health and require medical records from your doctor, while others ask no health questions at all. Why Is a M...