apple watch on woman's wrist

December 14, 2019 2 min to read

Essential things to know about Apple Watch

Category : Shopping

The Apple Watch is among the coolest gadgets you can own so far. Hence, the best thing you should do is to understand how to get the most out of it.

In other words, you need to use your newest treasure to the maximum. After all, you spent a small fortune to own it.

While the Apple watch may not be as crucial as an iPhone, it is a powerful device that can change the way you interact with your phone and other people, of course.

If you are wondering how it is like to use an Apple watch and if it is worth the cost? This post is meant for you.

It will help you decide if you need an Apple watch and if you already have one, the best way to utilize its features.

How to use the Apple watch

Apart from winding your Apple watch, there are more ways to control and use it. The only challenge is that it will take you some time to master.

For instance, that pressure-sensitive small touchscreen is not like what you have on your iPhone. There are hidden features that are not obvious to hack.

But don’t worry, if you have an Apple watch or intend to own one soon, here you will learn exactly how to use your device. It is vital to know what your new friend can do for you and how to get the most out of it.

Setting up the Apple watch

When you finally buy your Apple watch and slip it on your wrist like a real boss, the first thing to do is to set it up. Begin by pairing it up with your iPhone.

It is designed to walk hand in hand with your iPhone. In fact, it is an iPhone accessory. Once you pair your Apple Watch with your iPhone, it will then install all the apps you want.

It is not a complicated process though it’s a bit time-consuming. Be ready to spend about 20 minutes. Besides, ensure your iPhone’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on.

Also, make sure you have the iPhone 5 or newer. Those are the only options that operate with the Apple watch.

When you are satisfied with your iPhone, the first step is to attach the charger to your watch. Although the Apple watch comes with a full charge in the box, it would be better to plug in the charger just to be on the safe side.

You can then turn on your Apple Watch by pressing the side button for about a second. When the Apple logo appears, you will be asked to select your language…
Continue reading the article and learn more about Apple Watch on Daisy Linden’s blog.

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