there is no place like home pillow

July 15, 2020 2 min to read

How to stay busy while stuck indoors

Category : Lifestyle

Sick of spending so much time indoors? You’re not the only one! You may be working from home or trying to social distance. Spending time inside can be rewarding. But it can also start to take a toll on the soul.

If you’re tired of sitting around and binge-watching Netflix all day, it’s time to change things up.

Here are nine exciting activities you can do to stay busy while spending time indoors.

Get Organized

It’s critical to keep your home neat, clean, and organized while spending time indoors. Living in an organized space has a variety of benefits. Not only does an organized home look better. It can actually help you focus better, reduce stress, and make you more productive.

Carve out an hour or two every day to organize something. Clean out that junk drawer in your kitchen. Clean out your entire bedroom closet. Whether you make it a big project or a small one, it’s a great way to spend your time.

While you’re organizing, put aside all of those items you no longer want or need and list them online. With apps like Mercari and Poshmark, you can turn your unwanted stuff into extra cash. All while you’re getting your house in tip-top shape.

Organization is a must if you’re working from home. A cleaner space will free up your mind and make it easier to get your work done.

Learn a New Skill

Instead of rotting your brain with television and social media, use your at-home time to learn a new skill.

Learn how to cook, bake, or make cocktails. Learn how to sew. Work on your makeup techniques. Learn to play an instrument. The options are endless!

There are tons of sites online where you can learn new skills for free. Try YouTube, which is full of tutorials on how to do just about anything you can think of.

Now is also a great time to take some online college classes. Sign up for MasterClass to learn specific skills from celebrities and industry experts.

Prefer to teach rather than learn? Create and share tutorials with your friends to teach them a skill that you have that they want to learn.

DIY Projects Around the House

With so much time spent inside, you probably want to spruce things up. With some simple materials and a bit of patience, you can DIY projects all over your house!

Order some fabric online and cover those old throw pillows. Pick up some paint from your local hardware store and paint a wall. Sand and stain an old piece of furniture that needs a facelift…
Continue reading the article and discover more indoor activities on Life Is An Episode website.

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