
May 6, 2020 2 min to read

How blockchain technology will transform education

Category : Education

With the passage of time, new means are emerging for the application of blockchain technology in the world of education.

New and high-profile projects are now receiving the attention of the media which is acting as fuel in the fire grabbing the concept of blockchain the attention that it deserves in the educational sector.

It was back in 2017 that the reputed University of Melbourne started use of blockchain to grant digital credentials which gave students the power to share the verified copies of qualifications they possess with the employers or any third party within a tamper proof system.

According to the survey of Gartner 2019 CIO Survey, 2% of higher education respondents are already using blockchain while 18% of more respondents are planning to do the same in coming years.

There is no denying the fact that there are still many who are hesitant towards introduction and use of blockchain in the field of education.

There are plenty of educational institutions who are still following the wait-and-see approach, taking into consideration the extreme hype, immaturity as well as the potential threats that blockchain gets along.

While some have strong belief in the positive outcomes of blockchain introduction in education, there are others who are sceptical about the same.

While there are still many who believe that the technologies that are currently being used have greater potential than blockchain, there are still few who assert the opposite.

The time has come when we ought to lay more emphasis on practical uses for blockchain and at the same time keep an eagle eye on the long-term transformative potential that it offers.

Here we are going to discuss few ways in which blockchain can totally result in transformation of the education sector:

1. Potential to make record keeping easy

Paper work is the most important aspect of the educational sector. Be it your degrees or other certificates, it is vital to keep a track of all the papers.

Blockchain plays an extremely promising role in higher education resulting in transformation of record keeping of degrees, certificates as well as diplomas.

It facilitates making credentials digital as well as facilitates keeping these under the control of the learner with no need for any intermediary in order to verify them.

In addition to this, it also finds use in accreditation of educational institutions, which is otherwise a very complex process in a lot of countries, facilitating verification of quality or qualification for teaching. Blockchain also has the potential to…
Continue reading the article and learn more about blockchain on Life Is An Episode website.

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