May 19, 2020 2 min to read
Blankets for horses – do you need them and when?
Category : Hobby, Shopping
Owning a horse is a big responsibility. Learning horseback riding is definitely not the only thing you need to worry about. This is a living being we are talking about and you need to keep it safe and healthy.
Everyone who has ever owned this animal can undoubtedly confirm that they have quickly become strongly attached to the creature. Consequently, they always take good care of it.
Taking care of your horse consists of giving them the best food and getting them all kinds of necessary equipment. High on the list of the necessary equipment are blankets.
Yes, you have heard that right. I’m talking about blankets for horses. And, these are definitely not the same as the ones you can find in your home. So, you can forget about wrapping the animal in one of those.
Today, most owners are confused about these products. They can’t decide whether their animal needs the best horse blankets out there, or whether they can regulate the body temperature themselves.
Additionally, even if they decide to use the products, they don’t know when and they don’t know which types to get. Well, if you are one of those people, read on! You just might find the answers to your questions.
Does My Horse Need A Blanket?
It is unquestionable that the body of your horse is capable of handling and enduring all kinds of temperatures. If you have had the animal for at least a year, you have probably noticed how their coat starts changing and growing when the outside temperature is about to drop.
However, this doesn’t mean that they should be left to their own devices at all times and even if they have a super thick coat, you need to consider blanketing them.
Speaking of a super thick coat, it can sometimes do more harm than good for these animals. That’s why their owners decide to body clip them.
And, if your horse is body-clipped, then there is no question about whether you should protect it from the weather conditions.
This is common sense. You took away their means of protecting themselves, so you need to provide them with a substitute.
Furthermore, even if they do have a coat, a blanket is a good way of keeping that coat dry during rain. Of course, this also depends on you and the reason why you own this animal in the first place.
But, chances are that you won’t keep them in the stable during the whole winter…
Continue reading the article and learn more about horses on Life Is An Episode website.