party guests

October 8, 2020 2 min to read

Creative birthday invitation card design tips

Category : Hobby

Your dear one’s birthday is approaching fast, and you are still wondering how to design a birthday card that really appeals?

You know that you can send everyone a simple WhatsApp invite with all the details, but that would not leave your guests excited about the birthday party.

You probably need a birthday invitation card design that shows your emotions, enthusiasm, and excitement for planning the party and inviting your guests.

So here are some tips for designing a creative birthday invitation card either for yourself or for your dear ones:

Starting with the birthday invitation template

The first step in making an awesome birthday card is using a birthday invitation template. There are many templates available online on birthday invitation makers.

You can easily choose any of the available templates to suit your party requirements and mood. After the card is ready, it could easily be exported and sent to all the invitees.

After you have chosen a template, the next step is customizing the card according to your preference.

Using the right color scheme

While designing the card, you must keep in mind for whom you are designing the card like your son, your wife, or your mother in law. The reason is, everyone has a different taste and liking.

Some people like elegant and sophisticated design, while some like chirpy and peppy color combinations.

For using vibrant colors, a wide variety of color schemes are available to choose from. Try mixing and matching different colors for excellent results.

Formatting the text correctly

While creating a birthday invite, one of the best rules to follow is leaving more blank space on the card. Humans can easily perceive the text that is uncluttered.

Irrespective of the size you are choosing for your card, you must make sure to have the right ratio between text and the available space.

Do include all the possible details

The main purpose of the invitation card is to provide information. While aesthetics and visual appeal are important aspects, we must not forget that the true essence of the invite lies in its contents that should entail even the minutest of the details related to the party, such as date, time, venue, and name of the birthday boy or girl or whoever’s birthday it is.

Style speaks a thousand words

While designing the card, you must keep in mind the style of the event you are designing the card for. E.g., in case of a kid’s birthday party, you can play more with shapes, colors, funny mascots, or some funny patterns. Alternatively, you can also create…
Continue reading the article and learn more about birthday cards on Daisy Linden’s blog.

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