upset couple in bedroom

December 23, 2019 2 min to read

5 ways to combat anxiety in the bedroom

Category : Lifestyle

Whilst sex is meant to be enjoyable, it can be difficult to have fun if you’re anxious about getting intimate with your partner.

Fortunately, there are a number of different ways you can put your mind at ease the next time you’re in the bedroom with your partner from speaking to your loved one, to learning to love your body and let go of your fears.

How Anxiety Can Affect You In The Bedroom

Having anxiety in the bedroom is nothing to be ashamed of nor embarrassed about.

In fact, we encourage you to open up about your bedroom fears with your partner or a close friend to get to understand that having anxiety in the bedroom is more common than you may think.

It’s natural and often makes it difficult to focus on having intimate time with your partner.

Whether you are looking to put the sparkle back into your relationship or simply want advice on combatting anxiety in the bedroom, we have all the tips and tricks you need to help put yourself at ease.

Find out more about the help available to you, below.

1. Help Is Round The Corner

Erectile dysfunction is not uncommon, with 40% of men expected to experience it during their lifetime. There are a number of factors that can impact your performance in the bedroom with heart disease and diabetes being two of the main causes of ED.

Some pills can help to put your mind at ease, allowing an erection to be achieved in the hour. Whilst it works best on an empty stomach, you should not take more than one tablet per day.

One of the great things about pills is that they can be ordered online, meaning that you don’t even have to leave your home in order to get the treatment you need.

Many orders are also delivered in discreet packaging, helping to put your mind at ease. Depending on where you order your treatment from, it may even be delivered the next day allowing you to get back to the bedroom quicker!

2. Talk More

Speaking to your partner about your anxiety in the bedroom can help to relieve additional stress and is a great first step to relaxing in the bedroom.

You may even become closer as a couple! If you want to express your worries elsewhere first, then…
Continue reading the article and learn more about bedroom anxiety on Life Is An Episode website.

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