woman using her tablet

December 7, 2019 2 min to read

9 things that could be slowing down your internet speed

Category : Hobby

In this day and age, it is almost impossible to get anything done without the internet. Using your computer, smart phone, streaming TV services and even smart home devices utilize the internet to provide you with service.

In order to get good service, you will need good internet speed, and nothing is worse than trying to get things done with slow internet speeds.

There are many different things that can affect the speed of your internet and today, we are going to look at 9 things that could be slowing down your internet speed to help you get the fastest internet available.

Limitations Of Your ISP (Internet Service Provider)

When looking at your internet speed, you are only going to be as good as your internet service provider.

If your ISP cannot handle the type of speeds that you are demanding, no equipment that you can purchase is going to help make your internet speed any faster.

If you suspect that your internet service provider is the problem with your internet speed, it is a good idea to call them up and see if there is a problem.

It could be as simple as an area wide outage or a delay in service, but a call is going to give you the information that you need to determine if you need to switch ISPs.

Underperforming Or Substandard Equipment

If your internet service provider is providing you with the best service that you can get and you are still getting slow internet speeds, you may want to take a look at the equipment that you are using.

After all, having the right equipment is half of the battle when it comes to providing internet service. Over the years, it is easy to forget about your modem, router, cables, or other equipment you may have and it can easily become outdated or overworked.

Take some time to review each component of your setup to see if anything need to be replaced, repaired, or disposed of.

Utilizing The Right Wireless Network Channel/Band

If your equipment seems to check out and you are having problems with your wireless connections, you may want to look at your modem to see if you are on the right wireless network channel.

While this is not something many people change very often, it could be that one channel is getting overworked with all of your devices in your home.

Explore whether or not you can use a different band of channel for items that require a faster internet speed to help even things out a bit…
Continue reading the article and learn more about internet speed on Life Is An Episode website.

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