girl and moon play

December 4, 2019 2 min to read

7 fun facts about stars to get your children excited about astronomy

Category : Education, Hobby, Lifestyle

I have always found astronomy to be an interesting subject as it aims to explain to us the many mysteries of our universe.

And what is our universe if not a huge mystery? From our planet to the billions of stars in outer space, there are many questions that still need answers.

Our planet earth, which is humongous, is only a tiny speck in our solar system, which is among the many other solar systems that exist.

These solar systems further have their suns, planets, moons, and stars. Getting your child to show interest in astronomy is not a tough task as the space in itself is fascinating and interesting.

While science has uncovered a lot, we still have a large way to go if we want to understand the outer space. It was only recently that we were able to view at a black hole for the first time.

Viewing such things for the first time only makes you realize how small our existence is and how much there is out there that we still need to explore.

If you want to encourage your child to learn more about outer space and its many mysteries, there is a lot more you can do other than buying space charts and toys. You can give your children interesting books about space, but they must be interesting.

There is a thin line between boring and informative things, and children don’t like to be bored on their first try. It is better to give your children books that are easy and short.

Once they are interested enough, your children will be eager to learn more.

Here are some interesting facts about stars that will fascinate your children!

There Are Billions Of Stars In Our Galaxy!

The Milky Way is our galaxy. It is where our solar system exists, along with many. The number of stars in the Milky Way range from a hundred to four hundred billion.

However, the numbers are continuously changing. New stars are being born as the old ones are dying out.

Not All Stars Have The Same Color!

When we look up at the sky at night, we see hundreds of stars, but they all look the same to us. In reality, the stars have different colors according to how hot they are.

For example, these stars can be blue, white, yellow, orange, red and brown, depending on their temperature. The hottest stars are blue while the coolest are brown.

While we are used to seeing fire as red, it changes color as the temperature rises. As the star’s temperature goes up, its color first turns into red, and then blue…
Continue reading the article and learn more about stars on Daisy Linden’s blog.

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