May 21, 2020 2 min to read
5 tips for choosing the healthiest cookware
Category : Lifestyle, Shopping
You know the saying “You are what you eat”, right? It’s undeniably true! However, what’s also important is how you make the food you eat.
It’s not about the method; it’s about something many people don’t even give a second thought – the cookware. If cooking nutritious, wholesome meals is your goal, then you need to make sure that your pots and pans don’t leach toxic chemicals.
If you want to find out what to consider in order to buy the healthiest cookware, keep on reading!
Remember when Teflon was all the rage and considered to be a staple in every kitchen? It sure was great to finally have a non-stick frying pan. And what about those aluminum pots?
Teflon-coated and aluminum cookware used to be extremely popular. However, it turns out that it’s not so great, after all.
These once-famous non-stick pans contain toxic compounds like polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE – trademarked as Teflon), or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA or C8).
When it comes to aluminum, prolonged exposure may be linked to severe conditions, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and neurological problems.
Avoid kitchenware made of these materials, as it proved to have negative effects on both humans and animals. Fortunately, there are plenty of other healthy alternatives!
Your cooking needs
Before you buy a whole expensive set, think for a second. Are you going to cook for a small or large number of people?
Do you want to cook daily or from time to time? What kind of dishes do you want to prepare? Are you going to do more boiling, steaming, sauteéing, or baking? Answer these questions thoughtfully.
If you decide to buy a whole set but end up not using it as much, you’ll just clutter your kitchen, and your money will go to waste.
In case when you know you cook occasionally or you want to specialize in certain dishes, buying a couple of high-quality pieces will be the best option, as opposed to purchasing an entire set.
What’s more, if you want to save space in your kitchen and minimize waste, opt for multi-purpose pots and pans. Think about your cooking needs and avoid buying unnecessary items.
People like making smart purchases. When it comes to cookware, you don’t want to throw it away after a short time.
Buying cheap cookware at a dollar store may look like you’re in for a great deal. However, if a piece of cookware is surprisingly cheap, it will most likely have some flaws…
Continue reading the article and learn more about cookware on Daisy Linden’s blog.