
March 28, 2020 2 min to read

5 SEO mistakes to avoid for not getting penalized by Google

Category : Hobby

“It’s been over 8 months putting articles, I still don’t know why am I not getting the organic traffic on my blog”.

Does this sound familiar?

Are you also waiting for Google to rank your blog over other articles for specific keywords for over months but not seeing any results yet?

Are you done with SEO experts who fluently say – it takes time to rank high on Google?

Well, it does take time but it will take an eternal time when you do the things wrong and expect good results.

In fact, one study done by Ahrefs on how long does it take to rank on the first page of Google on your given specific keyword and what they found might shock you.

Its 2-6 months. If done right.

And this article will show you some of the deadliest SEO mistakes that takes forever to rank on the first page of Google search results.

Here are the worst 5 SEO mistakes you probably would be doing and hoping for good organic traffic on your blog.

1. Not having HTTPS redirection

In today’s world security has become a major concern. Especially online.

When Google marks your blog as not secure then how would you expect to get up-voted by Google when you don’t follow its rule and regulation.

You may have seen Google Chrome marks “HTTP” sites are not secure.

Does your site redirect to “HTTPS”? If not then forget getting recommend by Google to your potential readers.

The idea behind this is to make web a safer place and to ensure that your personal data are private and is not misused by others.

And this is for everyone who is visiting the blog. Your readers will trust you more. Therefore, they will not take extra time before putting their data such as their email address, account passwords, debit, credit card number, expiration date and CVV.

Any credential information will be safe and can be trusted. And nothing makes Google happy seeing its users are safe and having good user experience.

So do it as fast as you can. Get redirection from a HTTP site to an HTTPS site and Google wouldn’t put your blog in the naughty list.

2. Having Slow Website

No body, literally no “fvcking” body likes a slow website. Be it the blog owner, its readers and ultimately search engines.

If your website is slow then obviously you will have bounce rate higher than the grades you got in your school…
Continue reading the article and learn more about SEO on Life Is An Episode website.

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