appetizer avocado eggs bread

June 30, 2020 2 min to read

5 quick and healthy meal ideas

Category : Food

Frankly speaking, a quality meal that tastes superb, fills completely, and promotes good health doesn’t need to be time-consuming to make.

Notably, we like to order our ingredients from the first vendor simply because they have a good name and reputation.

With the right ingredients, which you may source from Sun Basket, Hello Fresh, Home Chef, or any other vendor of your choosing, you can try these 5 quick and healthy meal ideas at home.

1. Simple Poached Egg and Avocado Toast

Good for breakfast and perfect with a glass of milk, yogurt, or vegetable smoothie, simple poached egg and avocado toast is a delicious and filling meal you can make in just about 7 minutes.

Made from eggs, whole grain bread, avocado, shaved Parmesan cheese, fresh basil/thyme/parsley (for topping), and tomatoes(for serving), this Western delicacy is healthy with the right amount of calories and combination of essential nutrients.

A serving, for instance, offers 393 calories, which are within the recommended calorie intake threshold per meal.

In addition, it provides protein, dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and sodium. Apart from these essential nutrients, this easy-to-make meal also supplies carbohydrates thereby energizing the body.

It’s the result of the energization process that allows various chemical reactions and biological processes such as metabolism, reproduction, and growth to take place.

2. Hot Quinoa Cereal

Apart from simple poached egg and avocado toast, another quick and healthy meal idea worth considering is hot quinoa cereal. This South American inspired delicacy tastes great not to mention that it’s light yet satisfactorily filling. Taking approximately 5 minutes to make, the cereal doesn’t involve following too many complicated steps to prepare.

Plus, it’s made from readily available ingredients including quinoa flakes, sweetened or unsweetened almond milk/coconut milk /rice milk/or any milk of your choice, sweetened or unsweetened berries as well as almond butter or peanut butter (for the topping).

Alternatively, you may opt for apple syrup/honey, toasted walnuts or almonds, fresh fruits(mango, peaches, sliced banana, granola), and/or dried fruits (chia seed) for the same purpose.

Remember that your topping is what will make the difference when it comes to how your cereal tastes. No need for a drink with which to wash the meal down as it’s already wet with a mouthwatering sauce from the milk used. But if you have to take it with a drink, a beverage such as black coffee wouldn’t disappoint.

It goes without saying that quinoa cereal is fairly low in calories with just 130.9 calories per serving. On the contrary, this nutrient-packed dish remains a rich source of riboflavin (a special variety of Vitamin B complex that is key to the process of energy production in the body) and carbohydrates.

As if that were not enough, iron, phosphorus, dietary fiber, and sodium are also important components of this delicacy…
Continue reading the article and discover more healthy meals on Life Is An Episode website.

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