With the coronavirus scare going round the world, there is a renewed interest in health. Everyone wants to know what they can do to boost their health.
Here we’re going to talk about a different, but just as important kind of health, and that is staying fit and at a healthy weight.
While college is a great place to go for most people, giving them the opportunity to form beautiful and lasting friendships, learn lots of new things, and expand their horizons, there are also some pitfalls that we’d all perhaps be better off avoiding.
One of these is the tendency to gain weight during college. If you’ve heard of ‘the dreaded 15’, then you know what I’m talking about.
Between your freshman year and your graduation, unless you perform regular exercise and watch your diet, you are likely to gain an average of 15 pounds in your weight. The average used to be 10 pounds, but has increased over the years.
Part of it has to do with the busy schedules and how it gets harder to fit healthy eating and exercises into that schedule, which means it can be handled.
Would you like to know how? Here are 15 tips to help you maintain a healthy weight through college.
1. Eat snacks regularly to avoid bingeing
To avoid the tendency to binge in one sitting, you can adopt the habit of eating snacks every 3 or 4 hours. Note that this doesn’t mean you should eat a lot during these times.
You’re not being advised to replace your 2 or 3 regular meals with 5 or 6 regular meals. The snacks should be small so that they are negligible. The whole idea is to increase your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, so that your body burns more and is less likely to gain weight.
2. Eat only healthy snacks
While we’re still on the subject of snacks, remember to keep those snacks healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, trail mixes, smoothies, and so on, should be less likely to encourage binge eating than unhealthy alternatives like potato chips.
Make sure you stock your dorm with these healthy snacks and throw away all the unhealthy snacks so it’s nearly impossible for you to access those potato chips when you’re craving for them.
3. Alcohol has a dark secret
You gain about 120 calories or more from every beer you drink. On a crazy night out when you drink 6 or more of them, you’re already doing over 1000 empty calories since…
Continue reading the article and learn more about healthy living on Life Is An Episode website.