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December 29, 2019 2 min to read

15 reasons why you shouldn’t ignore Gainswave therapy

Category : Health

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most frustrating experiences in a man. This is even worse for men who are in a romantic relationship.

Men suffer erectile problems due to a number of reasons one being a man’s inability to get or maintain an erection strong enough for sexual intercourse.

ED lowers self-esteem and causes stress to the person suffering from the condition. Penis failure to function can be as a result of psychological or physical conditions or a combination of both.

It is therefore important to seek medical attention so as to deal with underlying causes of erectile dysfunction.

Today, many are opting for GAINSWave therapy, as it is one way of treating erectile dysfunction. The primary focus of this paper is to discuss the advantages of using GAINSWave as remedy for erectile dysfunction.

1. Takes less time

GAINSWave procedure takes about 20- 30 minutes to be completed. It is a procedure that applies high-frequency acoustical waves to the tissues.

GAINSWave therapy is carried by a team of professionals who uses a small device that is pressed against the penis aimed at delivering small high frequency shockwaves to the tissues.

It is thus saving time since no surgical procedure is involved in this process.

2. No surgical procedures involved

Erectile dysfunction can be treated through surgical procedure or medication like Viagra. However, GAINSWave therapy does not involve any surgical procedures.

It involves application of shockwaves to the tissues of the penis with the aim of regenerating blood flow and growth of new blood vessels hence improving performance.

3. No medication is used

Medications like Viagra are taken to deal with the problem of erectile dysfunction. However, these medications do not have long-lasting solutions.

GAINSWave therapy use acoustic sound waves that do not involve injection of any form of medicine.

The drug free nature of this therapy increases its effectiveness since some drugs have some side effects that can be harmful to the patient like risks of heart attack.

4. Cleans up blood vessels of the penis

Erection of the penis is highly influenced by blood flow for effective performance. GAINSWave therapy is aimed at unblocking the blood vessels that stream blood to the penis. The acoustic sound waves unblock the blood vessels increasing blood flow to the penis hence reducing the risk premature ejaculation or no ejaculation at all.

5. Reactivates dominant blood vessels of the genital parts

Dysfunctional blood vessels of the genital parts lead to insufficient blood flow to the penis which is vital for an erection during sexual intercourse.

GAINSWave therapy is aimed at remedying this problem without performing any surgical procedure or taking any medication.

Weak tissues of the blood vessels cause reduced effectiveness of the vessels hence leading to very slow blood flow to the penis. It is therefore essential to remedy this problem for effective performance…
Continue reading the article and learn more about Gainswave therapy on Life Is An Episode website.

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