May 28, 2020 2 min to read
Should you stick to tradition on your 13th anniversary?
Category : Lifestyle
Even though ‘13’ is considered an unlucky number, there’s nothing unlucky about hitting 13 years with your partner. It takes work and dedication to be in a relationship that’s lasted that long, so why would anyone not celebrate it?
People are known for celebrating all sorts of anniversaries including one week, one month, one hundred days, and of course one year. But after a while, all the excitement that comes with the next yearly anniversary starts to die down.
As relationships go on, the people in them get more comfortable. And that’s not a bad thing at all, but once you’ve gotten to that stage, it can be easy to forget or to overlook small ways to celebrate each other and the relationship as a whole.
By the time someone’s gotten to 13 years with another, it seems like people end up sticking to what works. Anniversaries and similar celebrations just end up seeming routine or even habitual.
And sometimes people think, “what’s the big deal? We’ve been together over _____ years, we’ll be together for another _____.”
People say these kinds of things after 3 years, 5 years, and even 20 years, but just because the relationship has become such a constant and stable situation, it doesn’t mean that there’s any less to celebrate.
So if you’ve hit the big 13, you shouldn’t be complacent with something traditional like going to a fancy dinner or even just staying in and enjoying each other’s company.
While there’s nothing wrong with that, they are things that you don’t really need an anniversary to justify.
If you’ve made it all the way to 13 years, you should treat yourself to something special and new. So even if you and your partner absolutely love the restaurant you go to every year, why not add something new into the mix?
An anniversary should be more than just flowers and dinner. It should be something truly exciting and enjoyable for both parties.
Though dinner is great, and flowers are beautiful, anniversaries are about showing your appreciation for one another and celebrating another successful year – the wonderful memories you’ve made and the obstacles you’ve overcome.
Flowers and dinner just don’t capture all that should be said on an anniversary. If you’re celebrating all the memories and the time you’ve spent together, it only seems fitting to get your partner something that will really capture the importance of these memories and something that tells them that after all these years, you still care…
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